I have an idea!

An exhibition of works on paper by 37 artists

Exhibition Dates:  July 8 - August 20, 2021

Opening Reception:  Thursday, July 8, 2021, 6 - 8pm

Richard Tinkler, #5, 2021. colored pencil on paper, 12h x 9w inches

Richard Tinkler, #5, 2021. colored pencil on paper, 12h x 9w inches

When a person has an idea, he takes out a blank white sheet of paper to write it down. Less daunting than blank canvas, blank computer screen, blank gallery white wall, paper is a democratic medium, informal, intended for drafts - and often the confetti of unrealized ambition. Every once in awhile, someone’s idea sticks.

1969 presents an exuberant, wild exhibition of works on paper. I have an idea! is culled from individual artists, fellow gallerists, recommendations from collectors, and the random sighting of paper thumb-tacked to an artist’s studio wall.